Utility Rebates Require Prior Planning
If you are considering any kind of electrical or mechanical replacements or upgrades, your utility company may have dollars available for you. You can maximize the opportunity for savings through prior planning and filing the appropriate paperwork with your utility company.
What kind of upgrades are eligible?
- Heating / Air conditioning
- Blowers
- Light fixtures
- Many others – consult your utility website
How Much Will My Utility Pay?
For upgrades, the typical amount is $.05 / kWh in efficiency increases. New equipment that meets certain efficiency standards generally has set dollar amounts that vary by size.
Why are the utilities offering incentive dollars?
There are several reasons, but the primary reason is that state and federal governments have established efficiency standards and usage reductions.
How do I get more information about rebates?
Your utility company has information on their website. Here are the web addresses for the major utilities:
If you are part of a municipality or cooperative, call or visit their website. If you have questions, call us at Community Energy Advisors at 330-721-8000 and we can assist.
If I already completed my project, can I still get rebates?
Unfortunately, if you’ve already purchased supplies for your project, even if you haven’t completed your project, it’s too late. If you are a large, industrial size electricity user (over 700,000 kWh annually), there may be other alternatives to get credits for efficiency work. It is always better to complete paperwork with the utility prior to starting work in order to maximize your rebate / funding opportunity.