When your utility bill comes in each month, it’s important to keep an eye on some things so you don’t miss any unexpected changes that may occur. Previously, we provided this post to help give a deep analysis of what’s on your utility bill and where to find that information. Below is a summary of the information CEA recommends reviewing each month on your residential or commercial utility bill:
Name and Service Address
- Validate that your account information is correctly listed on your bill.
Meter Read Dates and Type
- Review the dates of your meter read that are included in your bill. Most meter read periods are 25-35 days.
- Your bill should also indicate whether the bill is for an actual meter read or an estimate. If your utility company estimated your usage for the month, consider submitting a reading so you don’t experience a large swing the following month.
Review Usage Patterns
- Reviewing your usage patterns over the past twelve months, noting any unexpected changes. Remember that you’ll likely use more electricity for cooling in the warm summer months, and more natural gas for heating in the cold winter months.
Confirm Your Supplier
- If you’re in a supply contract, validate that your bill reflects the company with whom you’ve contracted. (Read more here)
- If you’re not in a supply contract, review the supplier and the supply rate. Determine whether a fixed rate contract makes sense for you. (Not sure? We can help! Contact us here.)
Confirm Your Supply Rate
- If you’re already in a supply contract, you should also validate that your bill reflects the rate at which you are contracted.